
EXIT®, the ultimate live escape game in Berlin, offers you a very special experience.

Who we are

As a true Berlin original and one of the first providers of live escape games in Germany, we have been carrying you off to other worlds since 2014.
We have experienced a lot and can look back on a ten-year history.


Game Facts


Playing age

We recommend our missions from 12 or 16 years of age. “Monster Party” is already suitable for children aged 5 to 9, "Magic Alley" for everybody kids above the age of 10 and adults.

Battle mode

You can play “Prison Island” in battle mode. There are 2 teams of up to 7 people each. Who escapes first?

Playing time

You have 66 minutes to complete your mission.


You're only as good as you work together as a team. If everyone gets involved, you'll solve every puzzle!


Our game masters keep an eye on you and provide you with hints if you need help.


Some games can be played in a wheelchair provided by us. We would be happy to advise you individually. Please contact us by e-mail at



With VR glasses on your head and controllers in your hands, you completely immerse yourself in the game and can interact with the virtual world.

Team size

2 to 4 people play per team. A total of up to 8 players can play at the same time.

Playing time

The playing time is 55 to 66 minutes. Plan a total of around 90 minutes for your stay.


You will receive a brief technical briefing before the game. You don't need any previous experience.


Tips and technical support are provided by our game masters. They have direct contact with you via headphones and microphones.

The right clothing

You'll have the best experience in comfortable clothes and flat shoes.

Reviews from our players

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Do you have any questions?
We've got answers.

How many people can play in a group?

Depending on the mission, 2 to 10 people can play in a team in our escape rooms. If you are more, simply split up and play two different missions at the same time or book Prison Island in battle mode. We recommend a group size of 4 to 6 people. VR missions can be played by groups of 2 to 4 people.

Is there an age restriction?

Monster Party is suitable for children with 5 to 9 years of age under adult supervision. All other missions are designed for adults, but can also be completed by young people aged 12 and over. You can play the VR games from Huxley from the age of 10. Together with the family, younger children also enjoy themselves. Only Madhouse 101 is suitable for people aged 16 and over due to its content. Children and teenagers can play on their own, but must be brought to us and picked up by an adult. Feel free to contact us if you would like advice!

What language is played in?

All our missions are playable in English and German.

Which missions are easier or trickier?

The difficulty is always perceived slightly differently by every player. We recommend Prison Island and Madhouse 101 if you're new to escape games. When it comes to VR missions, Huxley I, Huxley II and Escape the Lost Pyramid are beginner-friendly. Prince of Persia is suitable for advanced players. In principle, however, any room can be played by anyone - choosing the mission you find most exciting is best!

What if we don't know what to do in the game? Can we still do it?

Our game masters watch via microphones and cameras and know exactly what you're puzzling over and whether you're on track. If necessary, they will give you tips. However, we cannot guarantee that you will be successful. On average, around 75% complete their mission within the given time. Don't worry: the game is fun even if you don't quite make it!

How secure is the game?

Don't worry, our rooms are safe! EXIT®, of course, has a permit to operate the plant with an associated and coordinated fire protection concept, which also includes an escape concept. In addition, every group with us always has the option to leave the rooms independently using emergency buttons and emergency exit doors. In addition, our trained game masters watch you the whole time - they sit next door and are with you within a very short time in case of an emergency.

Are we playing with others?

No. Once you've booked a room, it belongs exclusively to you, and you can focus on yourself and your mission.

What is the difference between an escape room and a VR mission?

In a virtual reality game, as the name suggests, you are in a virtual space. While conventional escape games involve analog puzzles, you completely immerse yourself in exciting worlds using VR glasses. You hear and see each other as avatars and can interact with the virtual world and with each other via two controllers in your hands.

What do I have to consider when playing VR games?

You should not wear high heels as there is a risk of tripping. Please do not wear updos. If you wear glasses in everyday life, leave them on while playing. If you suffer from severe motion sickness, please be aware that nausea may occur. Please be sober to the appointment, we must refuse to participate in drunken players!

How can I pay?

When booking, you can easily pay with PayPal, credit card or instant bank transfer. For a larger team event, payment on account is also possible by arrangement. You can pay for drinks and snacks on site by card - unfortunately cash payment is not possible.

Do we have to be on time?

Yes, please report to our reception desk on time for the start of the game. If you are late, please call us on +49 (0) 30 - 208499070. If you are late, we may have to withdraw your game time so that the group after you can start on time. If you are unable or only partially able to play the game due to your delay, we will not refund the game price.

Can we spontaneously bring another person along?

As long as the maximum number of players for the mission is not exceeded, that is no problem. You can pay the difference by card on site. If you bring one more person to a VR game, please let us know in advance so that we can prepare another set. You can do this at or +49 (0) 30 - 20 84 99 07 0.

What if I need to reschedule my appointment?

You can postpone or cancel a booked game free of charge up to 72 hours before the start of the game. For three or more missions, the deadline is 7 days. Please contact us at

Are there drinks and snacks available on site?

Yes. We offer a selection of drinks, such as Vitamin Well soft drinks. The highlight at the snack bar: There is fresh popcorn! You can enjoy snacks and drinks in the lobby before and after the game. We can also provide catering for larger events.

Is your location barrier-free?

We would be happy to advise you individually. Please contact us by e-mail at

Do I have to be sporty?

No! Top sporting performances or great exertion are never necessary. Some missions only require a short crawl. Please call +49 (0)30 - 20 84 99 07 0 for advice if you have any physical limitations or are pregnant.

I have a phobia or a health condition.

We would be happy to advise you individually. Contact us by e-mail at or by telephone on +49 (0)30 - 20 84 99 07 0.

Can I also buy a voucher?

Of course, and indeed HERE. The vouchers are not linked to a mission or a game mode. Our vouchers are issued for a specific sum and are valid for 3 years.

We are a larger group - is that possible?

No problem. You simply divide yourselves into different rooms and play in parallel or battle mode. In total, we can welcome over 100 people in all escape games and VR missions. Feel free to inquire at or by telephone at +49 (0) 30 - 20 84 99 07 0.

Is the game suitable for school classes?

Escape rooms are ideal for school classes from the 8th grade onwards, as they train creativity and team spirit in a group. We are happy to open our doors in the morning for your school trip, even during the week. You can also play at a discounted rate! Feel free to send an inquiry to

Can I celebrate a (child's) birthday with you?

Yes! Our Kids Escape Room Monster Party or the VR games from Huxley are suitable for children. After your game, you can continue to party undisturbed in our birthday room. The birthday room is also suitable for adults. HERE You'll find out more.

Can we hold our team event with you?

Of course! Escape games promote cooperation, creativity and thinking around the corner. You can enjoy drinks or catering in our get-together area to round off your event. We also offer Team Reflection, where you analyse your experiences from the game under the guidance of a professional coach. You can find more information HERE.

Do you have any more questions?

We are happy to advise you! Send us an email to or call us at +49 (0) 30 - 20 84 99 07 0.


Ihr habt Fragen?
Wir haben Antworten.

Was ist der Unterschied zwischen einem Escape Room und einer VR-Mission?

Bei unseren Escape Games rätselt ihr analog in physischen Raumwelten. In unseren Virtual Reality Missionen befindet ihr euch, wie der Name verrät, in einem virtuellem Raum. Über eine VR-Brille taucht ihr als Team in aufregende Welten ein. Dabei hört und seht ihr einander als Avatare und könnt über zwei Controller in den Händen miteinander und mit der virtuellen Welt interagieren.

Können wir unser Teamevent bei euch abhalten?

Natürlich! Escape Games fördern Kooperation, Kreativität und Um-die-Ecke-Denken. Um eure Veranstaltung abzurunden, könnt ihr danach in unserem Get-Together-Bereich Drinks oder auch ein Catering genießen. Zudem bieten wir eine Team Reflection an, bei der ihr unter Anleitung eines professionellen Coachs eure Erfahrungen aus dem Spiel analysiert. HIER erfahrt ihr mehr.

In welcher Sprache wird gespielt?

Ihr könnt alle unsere Missionen auf Deutsch und Englisch spielen.

Spielen wir mit anderen zusammen?

Nein. Wenn ihr einen Raum gebucht habt, gehört euch dieser exklusiv, damit ihr euch voll und ganz auf euch und eure Mission konzentrieren könnt.

Ist das Spiel für Schulklassen geeignet?

Escape Rooms eignen sich hervorragend für Schulklassen ab der 6. Jahrgangsstufe, da sie die Kreativität und die Teamfähigkeit in der Gruppe trainieren. Gerne öffnen wir für euren Klassenausflug auch unter der Woche am Vormittag unsere Türen. Außerdem spielt ihr vergünstigt! Stellt gerne eine Anfrage an

Wie viele Personen können in einer Gruppe spielen?

In unseren Escape Rooms können je nach Mission 2 bis 10 Personen in einem Team spielen. Seid ihr mehr, teilt euch einfach auf und spielt zwei unterschiedliche Missionen gleichzeitig oder bucht "Prison Island" im Battle-Modus. Wir empfehlen eine Gruppengröße von 4 bis 6 Personen für unsere Escape Roons. VR-Missionen können von Gruppen mit 2 bis 4 Personen gespielt werden.

Welche Missionen sind einfacher oder kniffliger?

Die Schwierigkeit wird von jeder Person immer etwas anders wahrgenommen. Wir empfehlen Prison Island und Madhouse 101, wenn ihr Escape-Game-Neulinge seid. Die VR-Missionen Huxley I, Huxley II und Escape the Lost Pyramide sind anfängerfreundlich. Fortgeschrittene finden spannende Herausforderungen bei Prince of Persia. Grundsätzlich kann jeder Raum von jedem Erfahrungslevel gespielt werden - wählt am besten die Mission, die ihr am spannendsten findet!

Kann ich auch einen Gutschein kaufen?

Na klar, und zwar HIER. Die Gutscheine sind nicht an eine Mission oder einen Game-Modus gebunden. Unsere Gutscheine sind Wertgutscheine, die über eine bestimmte Summe ausgestellt werden, und eine Gültigkeit von 3 Jahren haben.

Du hast noch mehr Fragen?

Unsere kompletten FAQ findest du HIER.

Kann ich einen (Kinder-)Geburtstag bei euch feiern?

Ja! Für Kinder eignen sich unser Kids Escape Room Monster Party, die verzauberte Mission Magic Alley oder die VR-Spiele von Huxley. Nach eurem Spiel könnt ihr in unserem Geburtstagsraum ungestört weiterfeiern. Der Geburtstagsraum ist auch für Erwachsene geeignet. HIER erfährst du mehr.

Wir sind eine größere Gruppe - geht das?

Ja, das geht! Ihr teilt euch einfach auf unterschiedliche Räume auf und spielt parallel oder im Battle-Mode. Insgesamt können wir in unserer Location über 100 Personen empfangen. Stellt uns gerne eine Anfrage unter oder telefonisch unter +49 (0)30 - 20 84 99 07 0.

Ist eure Location barrierefrei?

Wir verfügen über einen barrierefreien Zugang und ein barrierefreies WC. Einige Spiele können in einem von uns gestellten Rollstuhl absolviert werden. Gerne beraten wir euch hierzu individuell. Wendet euch per E-Mail an uns unter

Gibt es eine Altersbeschränkung?

Monster Party ist für Kinder zwischen 5 und 9 Jahren unter Aufsicht einer erwachsenen Person geeignet. Magic Alley kann von Erwachsenen oder Kindern ab 10 Jahren gespielt werden. Alle anderen Missionen sind für Erwachsene konzipiert, können aber auch von Jugendlichen ab 12 Jahren bewältigt werden. Zusammen mit der Familie kommen aber auch jüngere Kinder auf ihre Kosten. Lediglich Madhouse 101 ist erst ab 16 Jahren geeignet. Kontaktiert uns gerne, wenn ihr eine Beratung wünscht!

Our contact

You can find us here:
Friedrichstraße 101 10117 Berlin
Opening Times
from 1:00 p.m.
from 1:00 p.m.
from 1:00 p.m.
from 1:00 p.m.
from 10:00 a.m.
from 10:00 a.m.
from 10:00 a.m.
Call us
+49 (0) 30 20 84 99 07 0
Any more questions?
Just write to us:
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